

Game Informer has set up a page that they are going to update periodically about Epic Mickey.
Here it is!
Check out the October 15th "Art of Epic Mickey" There's a video with art and music from the game!!!

Also, I wanted to tell you about another blog I stumbled upon today. It's called "Vintage Disneyland Tickets" and features amazing scans of old Disney articles in magazines and scans of tickets and MANY other fantastic things related to Disney! DEFINITELY worth a few hours of browsing :D


Today in Disney History...

Nightmare Before Christmas was released!
October 13, 1993
Here's the original theatrical trailer for the movie :)


"Give A Day, Get A Disney Day!"

I'm really very excited about the new Disney Parks promotion. In the past, Disney Parks had the "Year of a Million Dreams" and more recently the "What Will You Celebrate?" promotion. Starting January 1, 2010, Disney's asking you to "Give A Day" to "Get a Day".
The "Give A Day, Get A Disney Day" promotion is about giving back to the community and helping those in need. For giving a day of your time to volunteer, Disney will give YOU a day in their parks, free!
The volunteer opportunities are coordinated by the HandsOn Network and are for the whole family! The HandsOn Network helps more than 70,000 nonprofit agencies and has 250 volunteer centers all across the country!
Disney has set up a website to keep you updated (with the help of some Muppet pals :) ). Check it out HERE.



A while back, there was some gorgeous concept art of a video game involving Disney. It was being called "Epic Mickey". Upon discovering the pictures, I was dying for more. The rumors have now been confirmed! The November issue of Game Informer magazine will feature an article and this beautiful artwork on the cover:


Here is some of that concept art. Go here for more!

The only thing I have read about the plot so far is that it is about forgotten Disney characters and them taking their revenge on Mickey. These "forgotten" characters live in the apocalyptic Disney universe (as pictured above). Oswald the Rabbit (Walt Disney's first character, 1927) is the main villain and is trying to make the world miserable to get back at Mickey for his popularity. Oswald sends out The Phantom Blot (1939) to rid the world of color and happiness.
I hear that the gameplay will be similar to that of Okami. Players will use the Wii-mote to draw objects like bridges and to splash paint thinner on walls to see through them.
The game sounds like it has potential to be really enojyable and inventive. Let's hope it lives up to the artwork!


The Buzz about Buzz and Buzz

Buzz and Buzz at the Magic Kingdom celebration. Disney Parks Blog.

Buzz Lightyear got his "Welcome Home" parade after his flight through spaaaace!
Now that Buzz is home, he needs your help! He needs to commemorate his experience in space with an awesome patch! Go to this site to help him come up with a design!

Happy Belated B-day, Magic Kingdom!

In celebration of Magic Kingdom's birthday, on October 1st the Disney Parks blog posted this video. Enjoy!:

Lull in posting

I apologize for the lull in my posting! I recently discovered that Disney Parks has their own blog! What horrible timing I have!
I am going to try and keep things up-to-date, but they will obviously be more "in-the-know" than me :P