

A while back, there was some gorgeous concept art of a video game involving Disney. It was being called "Epic Mickey". Upon discovering the pictures, I was dying for more. The rumors have now been confirmed! The November issue of Game Informer magazine will feature an article and this beautiful artwork on the cover:


Here is some of that concept art. Go here for more!

The only thing I have read about the plot so far is that it is about forgotten Disney characters and them taking their revenge on Mickey. These "forgotten" characters live in the apocalyptic Disney universe (as pictured above). Oswald the Rabbit (Walt Disney's first character, 1927) is the main villain and is trying to make the world miserable to get back at Mickey for his popularity. Oswald sends out The Phantom Blot (1939) to rid the world of color and happiness.
I hear that the gameplay will be similar to that of Okami. Players will use the Wii-mote to draw objects like bridges and to splash paint thinner on walls to see through them.
The game sounds like it has potential to be really enojyable and inventive. Let's hope it lives up to the artwork!

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